Monday, February 1, 2010

A New Venture For A Content Writer

Here's a blurb for a new venture I've just started with a friend of mine that uses his talents and my content writer abilities....

Today's business is global and to get the advantage you need to compete in all hemispheres on all continents or even right here in the GTA, it's important that you have a web presence.
But a successful seat at the Internet business table is about more than a solid Web design. Just as business cards that sit in your wallet do nothing to increase your profit margin, a website that doesn't get promoted through the right brand of Internet advertising will sit stagnant on the web.
That's why you need us as web consultants. We've got the experience in web design and search engine optimization to help you build a site and then promote it. We can help you get the Internet results you want from a new or existing web presence with the combined experience of over 20 years working with Internet based business.